Title and Description
Monitored Natural Attenuation
When to Transition from Active Remediation to Monitored Natural Attenuation Fact Sheet (September 2024)
Many impacted groundwater sites that employ active remedies have encountered challenges in meeting closure criteria, often due to site complexity and the role of matrix diffusion and other processes in prolonging contaminant persistence. Transitioning from active remediation to monitored natural attenuation (MNA) can be a cost-effective strategy for managing these sites, after constituent levels have been significantly reduced through active treatment. This fact sheet outlines a technical approach for performing transition assessments.
Natural Source Zone Depletion
Natural Source Zone Depletion Fact Sheet (May 2024)
Light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) can remain at a site even after decades of active remediation. At low-risk petroleum sites, natural source zone depletion (NSZD) can provide a passive approach to site management where active LNAPL recovery is no longer practical or cost-effective. This fact sheet shares insights from several Department of the Navy installations where NSZD has been evaluated.
Matrix Diffusion
Using REMChlor-MD to Assess the Impact of Matrix Diffusion on Chlorinated Solvent Sites Fact Sheet (April 2024)
Matrix diffusion is a key factor responsible for the technical challenge in the remediation of chlorinated solvent plumes. This fact sheet summarizes matrix diffusion and discusses the use of the REMChlor-MD in groundwater remediation modeling. Two case studies using the model, one with a large source zone and one with a small source zone, are also included.
In-Situ Remediation
Electrokinetic-Enhanced In Situ Remediation Fact Sheet (2023)
Electrokinetic (EK)-enhanced in situ remediation offers a promising approach to treating source zones at complex sites such as those with low-permeability. This fact sheet discusses how delivery methods work and explores two case studies where EK-enhanced in situ remediation was applied. Lessons learned and considerations for applying and implementing EK technologies are also summarized.
High-Volume Sampling
High-Volume Sampling for Vapor Intrusion Assessments Fact Sheet (2023)
This fact sheet covers high-volume sampling (HVS) as a method to characterize the nature and extent of volatile organic compound (VOC) vapor distributions under large buildings. Case studies at NAS Corpus Christi and NS Norfolk are included as well as a summary of the advantages and limitations of applying HVS.
Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy (ESS)
Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy (ESS) Fact Sheet (September 2022)
This fact sheet covers Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy (ESS) principles with JBAB and NAS Keyport case studies. Environmental sequence stratigraphy (ESS) is an enhanced approach to characterize aquifer heterogeneity and predict contaminant fate and transport by understanding geologic depositional environments. ESS allows for more informed subsurface predictions of geological factors affecting site remediation. ESS is an established best practice for the development of conceptual site models.
Five Year Reviews
Five-Year Review Overview and Addressing Emerging Issues (August 2022)
Five-year reviews (FYRs) provide a critical assessment of the ongoing protectiveness of remedies implemented under the Environmental Restoration Navy (ER, N) Program. Remedial project managers (RPMs) should be thinking ahead to the next FYR, working to ensure that the selected remedy is protective of human health and the environment. The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide: (1) basic FYR information; (2) direction on conducting a FYR and preparing the associated FYR report and; (3) guidance on emerging issues.
Abiotic Transformations
The Importance of Abiotic Transformations in Natural Attenuation of Contaminated Groundwater (August 2022)
Abiotic processes refer to contaminant degradation without the direct involvement of living organisms. A classic example is reduction of chlorinated organic contaminants using zero-valent iron (Feo). The focus of this fact sheet is on chlorinated ethenes. For sites where active remediation has been in place for many years, documenting the occurrence of abiotic processes may facilitate a transition to monitored natural attenuation (MNA), defined by EPA as “the reliance on natural attenuation processes (within the context of a carefully controlled and monitored site cleanup approach) to achieve site-specific remediation objectives within a timeframe that is reasonable compared to that offered by other more active methods.”
Monitored Natural Attenuation
Remedy Selection and Optimized Considerations for Monitored Natural Attenuation (November 2021)
Monitored natural attenuation (MNA) can be implemented as a primary remedy, or can be transitioned to as part of remedy optimization. This fact sheet discusses lessons learned in gathering lines of evidence to accelerate regulatory acceptance of MNA as a viable remedial approach. More specifically, it focuses on evaluating MNA as a remedial option for organic chemicals.
Environmental Molecular Diagnostics
Environmental Molecular Diagnostics: Molecular Biology-Based Tools (September 2021)
This fact sheet focuses on biological tools for use in environmental restoration (ER) applications including: quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), metagenomics sequencing of the 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (16S rRNA) gene, whole genome sequencing (WGS) and proteomics.
Virtual Meetings
Hosting Public Meetings on Virtual Platforms (August 2021)
This fact sheet focuses on hosting virtual meetings within the Environmental Restoration community. With a brief technology background, case studies and best practices this fact sheet provides considerations for the selection of outreach methods and best practices for implementing successful virtual meetings.
Environmental Molecular Diagnostics
Environmental Molecular Diagnostics: Chemical-Based Tools (May 2021)
This fact sheet focus on the chemical-based tools including compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA), stable isotope probing (SIP), and carbon 14-labeled assays (14C). The factsheet includes use of EMDs in the CERCLA process and case studies.
Vapor Intrusion
Continuous Monitoring for Vapor Intrusion Fact Sheet (2021)
This fact sheet discusses the assessment of vapor intrusion (VI) which are complicated by a high degree of spatial and temporal variability. This fact sheet will focus on recent applications of a continuous monitoring (CM) technology that provides quantitative measurements of vapor concentrations in the field. CM can help to address site-specific building conditions that influence the VI pathway over time.
Phytoremediation Advances (March 2021)
Phytoremediation is the use of plants to remediate or contol contaminants in soil, groundwater, surface water, or sediments. This fact sheet focuses on recent advances in the application of phytoremediation and provides examples of full-scale case studies.
Ground Water to Surface Water
Groundwater to Surface Water Interface: Overview and Management (Part 1) (January 2021)
Groundwater to Surface Water Interface: Summary of Tools and Techniques (Part 2) (January 2021)
These fact sheets, broken down into two parts, describes the physical, chemical, and biological attenuation processes that occur at the groundwater to surface water interface (GW-SWI). These attenuation processes should be incorporated into the evaluation of exposure pathways at GW-SWI sites and considered in adaptive site monitoring and management strategies.
Long Term Monitoring Costs
Innovative Sampling Methods and Data Analysis for Reduced Long-term Monitoring Costs (September 2020)
The Navy manages hundreds of sites with contaminant plumes in groundwater that require long-term monitoring. At most of these sites, monitoring is expected to continue for at least a decade, and in some cases, monitoring will continue into the foreseeable future. This fact sheet discusses the long term costs of such monitoring.
In Situ Chemical Reduction
In Situ Chemical Reduction (ISCR): State-of-the Practice and New Advances (June 2020)
This fact sheet describes the state-of-the-practice and new advances for ISCR. This remediation approach involves the use of various reactants to promote the chemical reduction of contaminants.
In Situ Chemical Oxidation
In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) Fact Sheet (December 2019)
Provides an overview of the ISCO technology and lessons learned during its implementation.
Environmental Statistics Fact Sheet (September 2019)
This fact sheet provides a condensed selection and discussion of important statistical methods used for the analysis of groundwater and soil data.
Groundwater Sampling
Repeatable Multilevel Groundwater Sampling (September 2019)
Repeatable multilevel groundwater sampling refers to any method of groundwater sample collection from a single location, but at multiple depths below ground surface repeatable over time. It is an additional tool to help characterize the site.
Passive Sampling
Passive Sampling for Contaminated Sediment Sites (September 2018)
Provides an overview of the types of passive samplers available, along with preparation and deployment considerations. Key data analysis steps are highlighted related to extraction and analysis and the interpretation of results related to the calculation of water concentrations, mass transfer models, quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC), and bioaccumulation prediction.
Geophysical Methods
Geophysical Methods for Characterization and Monitoring at Groundwater Remediation Sites (August 2018)
Focuses on the application of geophysical tools in support of environmental remediation including available methods and applicability considerations.
Site Characterization
Fractured Rock
Site Characterization and Remediation in Fractured Rock Fact Sheet (August 2017)
Provides a summary of advances in developing successful characterization and remedial strategies for addressing contamination in fractured rock. Topics covered include the types of fractured rock environments, site characterization, remediation approaches, along with special considerations and lessons learned from fractured rock sites.
Complex Challenges at Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) Sites Fact Sheet (April 2017)
Reviews specialized techniques and remediation technologies to address challenging site conditions at LNAPL sites including the presence of co-contaminants, highly-heterogeneous conditions, and fractured rock.
Production Well Construction and Maintenance Fact Sheet (April 2017)
Describes how to maintain the function of production wells (including groundwater extraction and reagent injection wells). Production well design is summarized, along with operation and maintenance considerations.
New Developments in LNAPL Site Management Fact Sheet (April 2017)
Summarizes new developments in the area of natural source zone depletion (NSZD) and reviews key tools for evaluating the practicability of LNAPL recovery.
Landfill Long-Term Management
Sustainable Long-Term Management of Landfills under the Navy's Environmental Restoration Program (April 2016)
Describes sustainable long-term management (SLM) strategies that may be suitable for landfills managed under the ERP. Issues addressed include passive controls, optimized landfill cap design and maintenance, long-term monitoring, beneficial reuse, clean closure considerations, and shoreline erosion protection issues.
Reactive Capping
Sediment Reactive Capping Fact Sheet (March 2016)
Reviews reactive capping as an emerging remedial approach that incorporates materials capable of directly sequestering and/or degrading contaminants to reduce the environmental risks posed by the impacted sediments. Topics include reactive capping materials, deployment, monitoring, and lessons learned from two Navy case study applications.
NAVFAC Petroleum Site Management Update: A Roadmap to Closure (April 2015)
Outlines a roadmap for managing petroleum sites through site closure and emphasizes management approaches, monitoring strategies, and remedial technologies for LNAPL sites.
Biogeochemical Transformation, ISBGT
In Situ Biogeochemical Transformation (ISBGT) Processes for Treating Contaminated Groundwater Fact Sheet (September 2014)
Summarizes the application of ISBGT in treating groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents. ISBGT processes result in the degradation of contaminants through combined biological, mineral, and chemical pathways. The contaminants are typically transformed abiotically by reduced iron (Fe II) minerals formed by microbial activity. However, the minerals may also be present naturally as part of the site geology.
GSR Metrics
Green and Sustainable Remediation Fact Sheet (May 2014)
Provides an introduction to green and sustainable remediation (GSR) metrics and footprint reduction practices.
Passive Sampling
Transitioning from Conventional to Passive Sampling for Groundwater (April 2013)
Provides an overall framework that can be used to assist in designing a transition plan from conventional sampling to passive sampling for groundwater.
Vapor Intrusion
Innovative Vapor Intrusion Site Characterization Methods Fact Sheet (February 2013)
Provides an overview of several emerging and innovative methods for the characterization of indoor air at potential vapor intrusion (VI) sites. These methods include passive sampling, use of a portable gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) instrument, use of building pressure control techniques, hydrocarbon fingerprinting, compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA), and radon sampling.
Using Bioremediation in Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL) Source Zones (April 2012)
Reviews factors that determine if bioremediation can be used in a DNAPL source zone.
In Situ Chemical Oxidation, ISCO
In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) Fact Sheet (September 2011)
Provides an overview of the ISCO technology and lessons learned during its implementation.
Vapor Intrusion
Vapor Intrusion Mitigation in Construction of New Buildings (August 2011)
Provides an overview of VI mitigation methods that can be integrated during the construction of new buildings, along with important factors to consider when selecting and designing these systems.
Vapor Intrusion
Vapor Intrusion Mitigation in Existing Buildings (May 2011)
Reviews methods that can be used to mitigate VI in existing buildings, along with important considerations for selecting and designing an appropriate mitigation system.