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OER2 Webinars


The Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) has developed the Open Environmental Restoration Resources (OER2) webinar series for enhanced information sharing with the Environmental Restoration Program (ERP) community.  


The OER2 webinar series is open to the public. The topics are selected for their relevance to Department of the Navy (DON) Remedial Project Managers (RPMs), contractors, and other remediation practitioners that can benefit from learning more about key topics and focus areas for the DON ERP. The objective of the OER2 webinar series is to enhance information sharing and will help participants to:

  • Obtain the latest information about Department of Defense (DoD) and DON policies and guidance,
  • Hear about the latest tools, technologies and practices to improve the DON ERP’s efficiency,
  • Promote innovation and share lessons learned among the DON ERP community, and
  • Provide feedback to the DON ERP leadership.


OER2 webinars are advertised via the NAVFAC Technology Transfer (T2) e-mail. To request to be added to our distribution list, please send an e-mail to

Disclaimer: This webinar series is intended to be informational and does not indicate endorsement of a particular product(s) or technology by the DoD or NAVFAC EXWC, nor should the presentation be construed as reflecting the official policy or position of any of those Agencies. Mention of specific product names, vendors or sources of information, trademarks, or manufacturers is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the DoD or NAVFAC EXWC. Although every attempt is made to provide reliable and accurate information, there is no warranty or representation as to the accuracy, adequacy, efficiency, or applicability of any product or technology discussed or mentioned during the seminar, including the suitability of any product or technology for a particular purpose. Participation is voluntary and cannot be misconstrued as a new scope or growth of an existing scope under any contracts or task orders under NAVFAC.

Please check this page again for upcoming OER2 offerings.

Recordings and slides from past offerings can be found under the "Past Webinars" tab. If you have questions or suggestions for future OER2 topics, please email .



PFAS Remedial Investigation Sampling and Analysis Plan Case Studies
This OER2 webinar provides insights into the development of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) Remedial Investigation (RI) Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAPs).
PFAS RI SAP Case Studies Recording

Low-Permeability Geologic Matrices

Tools for Enhancing Reagent Delivery to Address Matrix Diffusion in Low-Permeability Geologic Matrices (August 2024)
This OER2 webinar presents innovative tools for enhancing reagent delivery in low-permeability geologic matrices.
Enhancing Reagent Delivery to Address Matrix Diffusion in Low-Permeability Geologic Matrices Presentation
Enhancing Reagent Delivery to Address Matrix Diffusion in Low-Permeability Geologic Matrices Recording


Revised Interim General Guidelines for PFAS Remedial Investigations (RI) (December 2023)
This OER2 webinar series is a two-part presentation on general guidelines that the Navy has updated for PFAS RIs. Part 1 of this presentation focuses on the document overview and discusses site characterization, analytical methodologies, screening/cleanup levels, risk assessments, and investigative-derived waste (IDW) management for PFAS RIs. 
Part 1 RI Framework Overview for PFAS Presentation
Part 1 RI Framework Overview for PFAS Recording


Optimization Case Studies (April 2023)
This OER2 webinar focuses on the experiences of three NAVFAC Remedial Program Managers/Remedial Technical Managers in optimizing the remedy at their environmental restoration (ER) sites. They shared case studies on how to implement optimization during long-term monitoring, treatability studies, and free-product recovery.
Optimization Presentation
Optimization Recording

Underwater MEC/MPPEH Burial

Methodology to Determine Underwater Burial Depth of MEC/MPPEH (November 2022)
The purpose of this webinar is to summarize the science that has been developed to understand the mobility and burial of munitions in the underwater environment. A review of the environmental observations, the munitions observing technologies, mobility and burial field observations, the physics of mobility versus burial, and the modeling of the physical processes for burial are presented. The presentation concludes with the real world application of this knowledge to an existing site.
Underwater MEC/MPPEH Burial Recording

Accident Prevention Plans (APPs)

The Accident Prevention Plan: A Remedial Project Manager’s “Best Friend” For Ensuring Contractor Health and Safety Compliance at Environmental Sites (August 2022)
In this webinar, the Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center (NMCPHC) and NAVFAC Southwest give an overview of the APP for ensuring contractor health and safety compliance while conducting inspections, investigations, and cleanup/removal actions at environmental restoration sites. The presentation provides the tools a Remedial Project Manager (RPM) needs to effectively determine the project health and safety needs and effectively determine the accuracy and applicability of the contractor developed health and safety plans and procedures for the restoration project.
APP Presentation
APP Recording 

PFAS Analysis Methods

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) Analysis Methods (May 2022)
This webinar is intended to provide detailed information to PFAS site managers and others who need to understand the availability and implications of current PFAS analytical methods. Special attention will be given to how these methods relate to current policy and guidance. The webinar will also provide information on future methods and their potential implications for future policy and guidance, including transitioning to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Draft Method 1633.
PFAS Analysis Methods Presentation
PFAS Analysis Methods Recording

Remedy in Place (RIP) to Response Complete (RC)

Bridging the Gap from Remedy-in-Place (RIP) to Response Complete (RC)  (November and December 2021)
The NAVFAC Optimization and Technology Innovation (OTI) group has developed a strategy to support sites of varying complexity transition from the RIP milestone to the RC milestone. This OER2 webinar series discusses the RIP/RC strategy along with other polices and tools relevant to current programmatic goals, including the new Navy ER Program metrics for the RC milestone. The first part focuses on strategies and requirements for the transition from RIP to RC and goes through a case study for a low complexity site. The second part focuses on Navy case studies with increasing complexity.
Part 1: Strategies and Requirements - Presentation
Part 1: Strategies and Requirements - Recording
Part 2: Practical Examples - Presentation
Part 2: Practical Examples - Recording

Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy (ESS)

Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy (ESS) as a Remedy Optimization Tool (July 2021)
ESS is an example of the focus on geology to better define the heterogeneous subsurface that confounds many complex contaminated site remediation projects. This presentation gave an overview of the ESS approach and how it has evolved into a means for optimizing the pathway to response complete. The challenge is not only to define the subsurface geologic framework, but also to implement the geologic model to optimize remediation. Navy RPMs shared their case study examples of applying ESS to ER sites.
ESS as a Remedy Optimization Tool - Recording
ESS as a Remedy Optimization Tool - Presentation

Vapor Intrusion (VI) 

Vapor Intrusion (VI): Tools and Technologies (March 2021)
There are numerous challenges associated with managing vapor intrusion sites. This presentation will provide information on emerging methods to address challenges such as background sources, spatial variability, temporal variability, and preferential pathways. It will provide insights on how to customize the lines-of-evidence to the site-specific and building-specific challenges. Case studies will be used to demonstrate the use of emerging methods in the lines-of-evidence approach.
Vapor Intrusion (VI) Tools and Technologies (2021) - Recording
Vapor Intrusion (VI) Tools and Technologies (2021)- Presentation

Environmental Restoration and BRAC (ERB) Web Site

The Navy’s Environmental Restoration and BRAC (ERB) Web Site (August 2020)
This webinar provided an overview of NAVFAC’s new ERB web site launched in 2020. The web site has been designed as a one-stop resource for Department of the Navy (DON) personnel, contractors, and the public interested in environmental site cleanup efforts. The ERB web site has been updated based on input from across NAVFAC to support DON Remedial Project Manager needs. New features include overview, program support, focus areas, and training resources suitable to all phases of the cleanup process. Topic-specific web pages summarize key environmental restoration issues and provide links to the latest technical resources.
The Navy's Environmental Restoration & BRAC Web Site Demo - Recording
The Navy’s Environmental Restoration & BRAC (ERB) Web Site Demo

Quality Document Review (QDR)

The Navy’s Quality Document Review (QDR) Program (May 2020)
This webinar introduced and discussed the Quality Document Review (QDR) concepts outlined in the Navy’s (ER,N) Program Directive for QDR (5090 Ser EV/006, 15 June 2018). A defined document review process is critical to insure consistently high quality CERCLA documents. This directive provides instructions on how to utilize NAVFAC resources to achieve this end. The webinar included the need for, and methods used, to conduct quality reviews, what types of documents are included, and how review commends are addressed and memorialized. The talk also outlined specific trigger criteria for prioritizing documents and discussed how SME review assignments are established and executed.
The Navy's Quality Document Review (QDR) - Recording 
The Navy’s Quality Document Review (QDR) - Presentation

Munitions Response

Munitions Response Program Update on Guidance, Tools and Templates to Execute the Program (October 2019)
This webinar presented an overview of the latest DoD and DONs policies / guidance, tools, technologies, and practices to improve the ERPs efficiency; as well as promote innovation and share lessons learned.
Munitions Response Program - Recording
Munitions Response Program - Presentation


EPA Superfund Optimization Program (March 2019)
This webinar presented an over view of the USEPA’s “Superfund Optimization Program”. It presented the basic optimization components, reviewed the OSRTI optimization process and summarized the optimization accomplishments spread over the last 20 years. The presentation reviewed key COCs and treatment options with respect to remedy selection and optimization results for presumptive and innovative remedial strategies. Finally, the presentation highlighted key conclusions and offered a way forward for optimization with in the Superfund Remedial Acquisition Framework.
EPA Optimization Program - Recording
EPA Optimization Program - Presentation

Five-Year Reviews

Five-Year Review Refresher (October 2018)
The Federal Facilities Five-Year Review Workgroup is comprised of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), DoD, Department of Interior (DOI), and the Department of Energy (DOE). This webinar summarized the training module developed by the Workgroup and identified the resources available for preparing Five-Year Reviews. In addition, this webinar focused on avoiding common errors in Five-Year Reviews and provided a better understanding of potential issues and their impact on the development of appropriate protectiveness statements.
Five-Year Review Refresher - Recording
Five-Year Review Refresher - Presentation  

Munitions Response

Munitions Response Program Update and Lessons Learned (April 2018)
This webinar presented updates in the form of case studies and lessons learned from completed and ongoing NAVFAC munitions response projects including Adak, Vieques, Mare Island, San Diego, Pearl Harbor, and Guam. The session included an update on the Defense Advanced Geophysical Classification Accreditation Program (DAGCAP) and vertical conceptual site models (VCSMs).
Munitions Response Program Update and Lessons Learned - Recording
Munitions Response Program Update and Lessons Learned - Presentation


Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Pump-and-Treat Systems (January 2018)
The Navy has aging pump-and-treat system infrastructure that needs to be maintained and rehabilitated for continued protection of downgradient resources. These extraction and reinjection wells require significant investments and may result in high operating costs if not constructed or maintained effectively. This webinar provided an overview of key design aspects and maintenance practices needed to achieve optimal performance and to minimize life cycle costs for these wells.
Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Pump-and-Treat Systems - Recording  
Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Pump-and-Treat Systems - Presentation

Site Characterization

Advances in Microbial Characterization for Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) & Bioremediation (November 2017)
There have been several advances in molecular biological tools (MBTs) and other techniques for characterizing microbial populations and their role in degrading various pollutants. This webinar provided practical guidance to RPMs and other practitioners in the field on what these tools can accomplish, along with a discussion of their advantages and limitations.
Advances in Microbial Characterization for MNA & Bioremediation - Recording
Advances in Microbial Characterization for MNA & Bioremediation - Presentation


Portfolio Optimization (P-Opt) Review: Phase 1 Overview and Findings (August 2017)
This webinar provided an overview and summarized key findings from the Phase I P-Opt review of DON Installation Restoration Program (IRP) sites. The presentation covered five themes that emerged from the review including: the prevalence of surface water receptors, light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) management challenges, emerging contaminants, the role of matrix diffusion, and aging infrastructure of pump-and-treat systems. The webinar included Navy case studies and lessons learned to highlight some of the remaining challenges faced in the Navy's IRP.
P-OPT Review: Phase I Overview and Findings - Recording
P-OPT Review: Phase I Overview and Findings - Presentation


Dealing with Dilute Plumes (April 2017)
Dilute plumes are a challenge at many impacted groundwater sites. There often is uncertainty about a dilute plume's source, uncertainty whether or not natural attenuation is working, and uncertainty about the effectiveness of any aggressive remedies planned. This webinar discussed the roles of source depletion, matrix diffusion, and various natural and aggressive attenuating mechanisms in determining a suitable path forward for the plume.
Dealing with Dilute Plumes - Recording
Dealing with Dilute Plumes - Presentation


Recent Developments in Petroleum Site Management (October 2016)
This webinar reviewed new developments in the cleanup of groundwater and soils at contaminated petroleum release sites. The webinar discussed the Navy's petroleum cleanup efforts, along with key regulatory issues and differences between relevant petroleum regulatory programs. Next, new technologies for measuring natural source zone depletion (NSZD) were presented. Methods to increase the NSZD rate were highlighted and new developments in the analysis and interpretation of a key analytical measurement, total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH).
Recent Developments in Petroleum Site Management - Recording
Recent Developments in Petroleum Site Management - Presentation

Site Characterization

Common Pitfalls in Site Investigation and How to Avoid Them (August 2016)
This webinar presented examples of potential pitfalls in site investigation that are frequently encountered and tips on how to avoid them. Specific hydrogeological characterization parameters will be reviewed to gain a better understanding for the development of the conceptual site model (CSM) and ultimately various documents prepared under the ERP. This webinar provided an understanding of basic groundwater and investigation principals. The presented information assisted RPMs and others in developing higher quality documents in a cost-effective manner.
Common Pitfalls in Site Investigation and How to Avoid Them - Recording
Common Pitfalls in Site Investigation and How to Avoid Them - Presentation

Site Characterization

Use of High Resolution Site Characterization to Delineate a Mixed Contaminant Plume in Fractured Bedrock (June 2016)
High resolution site characterization techniques have been shown to provide useful information to guide design of successful remediation systems more cost effectively. This presentation discussed how high resolution site characterization techniques were used at a complex fractured bedrock site with multiple contaminants to determine the location of water-bearing fractures, direction of groundwater flow in the fractures, and identification of the high contaminant concentration zones. The techniques discussed include geophysical technologies such as caliper, gamma and borehole wall imaging and heat pulse flow meter among others.
Use of High Resolution Site Characterization to Delineate a Mixed Contaminant Plume in Fractured Bedrock - Recording
Use of High Resolution Site Characterization to Delineate a Mixed Contaminant Plume in Fractured Bedrock - Presentation


Environmental Background Analysis (EBA) and Case Study of Naval Base Guam Apra Harbor Sediments (September 2015)
This webinar provided an overview of the Navy background policy and guidance related to EBA for sediment, EBA technical and scientific principles, and application of EBA for the Apra Harbor sediment remedial investigation. The webinar discussed methods such as spatial distribution, univariate plots, cumulative distribution plots, and geochemical association via regression analysis. The importance of understanding the background concentrations of metals was discussed as it relates to potential remedial footprints.
EBA Review and Case Study of Naval Base Guam Apra Harbor Sediments - Recording
EBA Review and Case Study of Naval Base Guam Apra Harbor Sediments - Presentation

Long-Term Management

Long-Term Management (LTM) Requirements: A Smarter Easier and Better Approach to Reporting and Sampling and Analysis Plans (SAPs) (July 2015)
This webinar discussed implementation of NAVFAC’s Management and Monitoring Approach (MMA) including lessons learned in SAP development. The MMA is a multi-purpose tool that can be used for: capturing information required for Five-Year Reviews, evaluating remedy performance, documenting progress towards site exit, providing a framework for remedy optimization, and providing a comprehensive site summary for corporate knowledge.
LTM Requirements: A Smarter Easier and Better Approach to Reporting and SAPs - Recording
LTM Requirements: A Smarter Easier and Better Approach to Reporting and SAPs - Presentation


Managing the Navy's Complex Groundwater Sites: Alternative Endpoints and Approaches (April 2015)
This webinar provided an overview of the attributes and technical challenges that lend complexity to soil and groundwater sites. The webinar presented findings, statistics, and DoD case studies on alternative endpoints and approaches for groundwater remediation at complex sites under a variety of Federal and state cleanup programs.
Managing the Navy's Complex Groundwater Sites: Alternative Endpoints and Approaches - Recording
Managing the Navy's Complex Groundwater Sites: Alternative Endpoints and Approaches - Presentation

Emerging Contaminants

NAVFAC Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) Guidance: Your Questions, Our Answers (February 2015)
The Navy developed a guidance document to assist DON RPMs with issues related to a group of chemicals called PFCs. Certain PFCs have been identified as emerging contaminants and as such there may be questions and issues related to eligibility and funding; investigation and sampling; risk assessment; remedial response; and Five-Year Reviews. The webinar introduced the Navy's PFC guidance in place at the time of the webinar.
NAVFAC PFCs Guidance: Your Questions, Our Answers - Recording
NAVFAC PFCs Guidance: Your Questions, Our Answers - Presentation

Five-Year Reviews

Things We Need to Know for a Better Five-Year Review Report (November 2014)
As a result of efforts by EPA to improve Five-Year Reviews, there was increased oversight of Federal Facilities' Five-Year Reviews. In examining many DON Five-Year Reviews, elements were identified that could help RPMs improve the likelihood of acceptance by regulatory stakeholders. This webinar focused on these elements and provided a better understanding of potential issues and their impact on the development of appropriate protectiveness statements.
Things We Need to Know for a Better Five-Year Review Report - Recording
Things We Need to Know for a Better Five-Year Review Report - Presentation

Munitions Response

NAVFAC Munitions Response (MR) Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) Guidance (September 2014)
This webinar introduced the new MR RI/FS guidance document. The webinar focused on what is in the new guidance and how it can help you prepare a quality MR RI/FS. 
NAVFAC Munitions Response RI/FS Guidance - Recording
NAVFAC Munitions Response RI/FS Guidance - Presentation

Site Characterization

The CSM: A Primary Focus of the Navy’s SAP Review (July 2014)
The SAP and its review have traditionally focused on quality assurance (QA), sampling methods, and analytical methods. However, SAP reviews have increasingly focused on the site’s CSM and the data quality objectives (DQOs) of the planned effort, thus leading to improvements in the environmental stewardship that we exercise, early identification of future issues, and sometimes significant savings. This webinar presented information to assist RPMs in developing CSMs for their sites.
The CSM: A Primary Focus of the Navy’s SAP Review - Recording
The CSM: A Primary Focus of the Navy’s SAP Review - Presentation



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