Investment Area 5: Emergent Topics |
Collection of in situ Acoustic Data for Validation of U.S. Navy Propagation Models of Ship Shock Trial Sound Sources (Project #LMR-48) COMPLETED
Principal Investigators: Kerri Seger, Shyam Madhusudhana and Holger Klinck
This project is collecting relevant in situ data on the acoustic shock wave propagation during the full ship shock trial of the new Navy aircraft carrier, USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78). The data will help the Navy to validate the underlying acoustic propagation model used within the Navy Acoustic Effects Model (NAEMO).
Multi-spaced Measurement of Underwater Sound Fields from Explosive Sources (Project #LMR-35) COMPLETED
Principal Investigator: Peter Dahl
This project will conduct calibrated underwater acoustic field measurements associated with explosive detonations, which will be used to update the Navy’s Acoustic Effects Model.
The Effects of Noise on Marine Mammals: Progress Since 1995 (Project #LMR-10) COMPLETED
Principal Investigator: Christine Erbe
This project is generating an updated review of the scientific information relevant to hearing in marine mammals and the effects of underwater sound. Project co-funded by ONR, JIP, and NMFS.