Investment Area 3: Monitoring Technology Demonstrations |
Thermal Imaging for Vessel Strike Mitigation on Autonomous Vessels (Project #LMR-68) ACTIVE
Principal Investigator: Daniel Zitterbart
This project will focus on adapting and testing two existing and proven thermal imaging-based whale detection systems to reduce the potential for vessel strike during navigation of unmanned Navy surface vessels.
Long-term Sparse Array Localization Feasibility Study Using a SonarPoint System (Project #LMR-59) ACTIVE
Principal Investigator: Marco Flagg
This project will assess the functionality and durability of a SonarPoint sparse array for detecting and locating a variety of marine mammal species.
Demonstrating Suction-cup Tag Systems to Support Behavioral Response Studies (Project #LMR-57) ACTIVE
Principal Investigator: Patrick Miller
This project will demonstrate, maintain and iteratively improve the capabilities of existing state-of-the-art mixed-DTAG+ and integrated-DTAG systems. These are a valuable asset for Navy marine species monitoring.
Integration and Field Evaluation of the Next Generation High-fidelity Sound and Movement Tags to Investigate Behavioral Response (Project #LMR-56) ACTIVE
Principal Investigator: Alex Shorter
This project is focused on updating and improving high-fidelity sound and movement tags, which are a valuable asset for Navy marine species monitoring.
Improved Tab Attachment System for Remotely-deployed Medium-term Cetacean Tags (Project #LMR-41) COMPLETED
Principal Investigator: Russel Andrews, Greg Schorr
This project seeks to demonstrate the feasibility of producing an alternative tag attachment anchor element for remotely-deployed tags.
High Fidelity Acoustic and Fine-scale Movement Tags (Project #LMR-27) COMPLETED
Principal Investigator: Alex Shorter
This project will build new generation digital tags (DTAG-3s) to be field-tested during upcoming behavioral response studies.
Extended Duration Acoustic Tagging of Right Whales (Project #LMR-21) COMPLETED
Principal Investigator: Susan Parks
This project is testing a new longer-lasting attachment method for digital tags.
Integrated Real-time Autonomous Passive Acoustic Monitoring System (Project #LMR-12) COMPLETED
Principal Investigator: Phil Abbot
This project demonstrated the Integrated Real-time Autonomous Passive Acoustic Monitoring (IRAP) system on a powered autonomous underwater vehicle (REMUS-600).
Technology Demonstration for Navy Passive Acoustic Monitoring (Project #LMR-7) COMPLETED
Principal Investigator: John Hildebrand
This project developed and demonstrated improvements to the High-frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) moored passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) systems. The HARPs are being widely used by the Navy’s marine species monitoring program.
Demonstration of High-performance PAM Glider and Profiler Float (Project #LMR-4) COMPLETED
Principal Investigator: Haru Matsumoto
This project compared two alternative passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) technologies (gliders and drifting floating systems) to assess cost and performance relative to existing Navy PAM systems (moored and towed systems). The technologies demonstrated during this project are now available for use by the Navy’s marine species monitoring program.
Autonomous Real-Time Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Baleen Whales for Mitigating Interactions with Naval Activities (Partnership Project) COMPLETED
Principal Investigators: Cara Hotchkin, Mark Baumgartner, Sofie Van Parijs
This project will demonstrate, on three autonomous platforms, a combined passive acoustic detection and classification hardware/software system that is capable of detecting the calls of four species of endangered baleen whales in near real time. The project is a partnership between the LMR program and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program.