Investment Area 2: Data Processing and Analysis Tools |
Using Passive Acoustic Tracks from a Navy Array to Study Large Whale Behavior in the North Atlantic (Project #LMR-65) ACTIVE
Principal Investigator: Regina Guazzo
This project is refining methods for using the data housed in the Navy’s passive acoustic marine mammal monitoring data system, M3, to characterize whale behavioral responses to survey vessels and other disturbances, and to analyze fin whale vocalization behavior in the North Atlantic.
![](/Portals/88/Documents/EXWC/Environmental_Security/Living Marine Resources/LMR_FSCover65.jpg) |
Cetacean Caller-ID [CETACID]: Validating Approaches for Identifying Focal Communication Signals Using Acoustic Recording Tags (Project #LMR-63) ACTIVE
Principal Investigator: Frants H. Jensen
This project will test a suite of methods to identify calls of both baleen and toothed whales in tag data to identify which of the detected calls are associated with the tagged individual. This will help the Navy’s monitoring program to estimate densities and evaluate behavioral responses.
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Raven-X: Enhancing the Efficiency of Large-scale Bioacoustic Analyses (Project #LMR-62) ACTIVE
Principal Investigator: Peter Dugan
This project will enhance the shared software package, Raven-X, and increase speed and efficiency of bioacoustics data processing.
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Historic ARP and HARP Passive Acoustic Recording Archiving with NCEI (Project #LMR-60) ACTIVE
Principal Investigator: Kaitlin Frasier
This project will focus on archiving an extensive set of passive acoustic data, collected over ten years, by the Scripps Whale Acoustic Laboratory under Navy funding. Work will be coordinated with National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). This effort will protect the Navy’s investment and ensure the continued availability of the data.
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Bryde’s Whale Cue Rates and Kinematics (Project #LMR-58) COMPLETED
Principal Investigator: Tyler Helble
This effort will develop information needed to determine the feasibility of using animal cue rate (calling rate) and the cue stability for acoustic density estimation.
![](/Portals/88/Documents/EXWC/Environmental_Security/Living Marine Resources/LMR_FSCover58.jpg) |
Combining Global OBS and CTBTO Recordings to Estimate Abundance and Density of Fin and Blue Whales (Project #LMR-49) ACTIVE
Principal Investigator: Danielle Harris
This project is working to demonstrate and refine a suite of density estimation methods using data from sparse arrays, in which sensors may be distributed evenly but widely over a large area of interest. Sparse array examples include Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) and Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization International Monitoring System (CTBTO IMS) recorders.
![](/Portals/88/Documents/EXWC/Environmental_Security/Living Marine Resources/LMR_FSCover49.jpg) |
Demonstration and Validation of Passive Acoustic Density Estimation for Right Whales (Project #LMR-44) COMPLETED
Principal Investigators: Susan Parks, Len Thomas
This project is focused on demonstrating passive acoustic density estimation methods and validating these methods using concurrent visual density estimation techniques.
![](/Portals/88/Documents/EXWC/Environmental_Security/Living Marine Resources/LMR_FSCover44.jpg) |
MSM4PCoD: Marine Species Monitoring for the Population Consequences of Disturbance (Project #LMR-43) COMPLETED
Principal Investigator: Cormac Booth
This project is reviewing the US Navy Marine Species Monitoring (MSM) program and will make recommendations for how future efforts can inform future Population Consequences of Disturbance (PCoD) analyses.
![](/Portals/88/Documents/EXWC/Environmental_Security/Living Marine Resources/LMR_FSCover43.jpg) |
ACCURATE: ACoustic CUe RATEs for Passive Acoustics Density Estimation (Project #LMR-42) ACTIVE
Principal Investigator: Tiago Marques
This project is working to provide a comprehensive, quantitative synthesis of the current state of knowledge on acoustic cue rates and cue stability for marine mammal density estimation from passive acoustics.
![](/Portals/88/Documents/EXWC/Environmental_Security/Living Marine Resources/LMR_FSCover42.jpg) |
Analytical Methods to Support the Development of Noise Exposure Criteria for Behavioral Response (Project #LMR-36) COMPLETED
Principal Investigators: Len Thomas and Catriona Harris
This project is focused on developing a computationally efficient model selection method that could expand the utility of data collected from behavioral response studies and improve the approach to grouping species for risk threshold criteria.
![](/Portals/88/Documents/EXWC/Environmental_Security/Living Marine Resources/LMR_FSCover36.jpg) |
DenMod: Working Group for the Advancement of Marine Species Density Surface Modeling (Project #LMR-31) COMPLETED
Principal Investigator: Len Thomas
This effort is coordinating a group of density surface modeling (DSM) specialists to assess the varied approaches to and coordinate advances on using DSM models. These experts are focused on developing and implementing innovative approaches to improve spatial modeling methods used to characterize seasonal abundance and distribution of marine species, particularly in U.S. Navy training and testing areas.
![](/Portals/88/Documents/EXWC/Environmental_Security/Living Marine Resources/LMR_FSCover31.jpg) |
DECAF-TEA: Density Estimation for Cetaceans from Acoustic Fixed Sensors in Testing and Evaluation Areas (Project #LMR-19) COMPLETED
Principal Investigator: Len Thomas
The goal of this project is to demonstrate and validate a method for passive acoustic density estimation for cetaceans by combining data from instrumented and non-instrumented ranges.
![](/Portals/88/Documents/EXWC/Environmental_Security/Living Marine Resources/FSCover19.jpg) |
Blue and Fin Whale Density Estimation in the Southern California Offshore Range Using PAM Data (Project #LMR-17) COMPLETED
Principal Investigator: Ana Sirovic
This team will combine point transect methodology with available passive acoustic monitoring data to create population density estimates of calling blue and fin whales.
![](/Portals/88/Documents/EXWC/Environmental_Security/Living Marine Resources/FSCover17.jpg) |
Passive Acoustic Density Estimation of Baleen Whales: Using Sonobuoys to Estimate Call-Rate Correction Factors (Project #LMR-16) COMPLETED
Principal Investigator: Shannon Rankin
This project served as a “proof of concept” for density estimation of baleen whales using sonobuoy data. The development work completed under this project can be used to improve analysis of sonobuoy data in general. The final report summarizes best practices, including suggested changes to data collection, acoustic software modifications; and identified analytical approaches appropriate for working with arrays of sonobuoys.
![](/Portals/88/Documents/EXWC/Environmental_Security/Living Marine Resources/FSCover16.jpg) |
Improving the Navy’s Automated Methods for Passive Underwater Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Mammals (Project #LMR-8) COMPLETED
Principal Investigator: Tyler Helble
This project developed a suite of automated signal conditioning tools for normalizing data sets from different ambient acoustic regimes prior to submitting such data to standardized automated signal processing systems.
![](/Portals/88/Documents/EXWC/Environmental_Security/Living Marine Resources/FSCover8.jpg) |
Developing Automated Whistle and Click Detectors and Classifiers for Odontocete Species (Project #LMR-5) COMPLETED
Principal Investigator: Julie Oswald
This project developed automated ondontocete detectors and classifiers using both whistles and clicks. The detectors and classifiers developed during this project increase the effectiveness of analyzing passive acoustic monitoring data. These tools are now available for use by the Navy’s marine species monitoring program and the scientific community.
![](/Portals/88/Documents/EXWC/Environmental_Security/Living Marine Resources/FSCover5v2.jpg) |
Simple Performance-characterized Automatic Detection of Marine Mammal Sounds (Project #LMR-3) COMPLETED
Principal Investigator: Dave Mellinger
This project developed user interfaces and training courses to facilitate usage of the Ishmael signal-processing toolkit by Navy staff and contractors, reducing the need for expensive external expert staffing.
![](/Portals/88/Documents/EXWC/Environmental_Security/Living Marine Resources/FSCover3.jpg) |
Developing Tools for Acoustic-only Behavioral Response Studies at Navy Instrumented Ranges (Partnership Project) COMPLETED
Principal Investigators: Tyler Helble, Elizabeth Henderson
This project will develop tools to aid in extracting whale swim track kinematic data more efficiently from the Navy range hydrophone data. Main goals include developing an acoustic modeling software interface, automated track kinematics software, and automated classification of track information.
![](/Portals/88/Documents/EXWC/Environmental_Security/Living Marine Resources/FSCoverPartnership2.jpg) |