These are some of the questions asked of our Hotline. The answers are within the context of the Department of Defense.
If you have further questions regarding these answers, please contact the DoD Lock Program Technical Support Hotline at (800) 290-7607,
DSN (312) 551-1212,
or by email using the Technical Support Hotline Request form.
Read this
Q&A document about GSA-approved security containers.
Click on any question to see it's answer. Click on the question again to hide the answer.
You can do a simple search of these FAQ using a few key words.
The search is not case sensitive.
Answers will show where your key words match questions and/or answers.
I'm having a problem with my X-09 combination lock.
I enter the combination, dial right and "OP" is displayed.
I continue dialing to the right indefinitely, but the lock doesn't unlock. What could be the problem, and what can I do about it? |
A. |
The "OP" display means you've entered the correct combination (or combinations, if the lock is in dual mode).
Remember to turn the dial with full wrist turns. This keeps the lock fully powered.
Try varying the speed of dialing after achieving the "OP" display.
Dialing either more rapidly or more slowly will often retract the bolt.
If you're still not successful, contact the DoD Lock Program Technical Support Hotline (see info at top of page) for assistance.
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Do the locks on both a secure room and on containers inside the room need to meet FF-L-2740 specifications? |
Yes. According to DoD Manual 5200.01, Volume 3 (page 35, paragraph 2): "...combination locks on vault doors, secure rooms, and security containers protecting classified information shall conform to Federal Specification FF-L-2740..." |
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What is the procedure if an FF-L-2740B combination lock fails under warranty? |
If purchased through DLA, contact the DoD Lock Program Technical Support Hotline (see info at top of page). Do not contact the manufacturer. Warranty claim and tracking procedures have been formulated and replacement parts are available. Warranties do not address product misuse. |
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What strike plate do I need with my new FF-L-2890B Deadbolt Device? |
When you order FF-L-2890B Deadbolt Device from the DLA Land & Maritime it will include a #1 strike plate.
If you need a different strike plate, contact the DoD Lock Program's Technical Support Hotline (see info at top of page) and one can be provided free of charge when your lock is purchased from DLA.
Please see the strike plate pictures and diagrams on our
Strike Plate page to determine the correct strike plate
for your application. |
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How can I tell if my FF-L-2740B lock is under warranty? |
Kaba Mas X-10 and CDX-10 locks are under warranty for a period of two years from the date of purchase.
Check your receipt for the date. If you can't find the receipt, check the date stamped on the dial ring of the lock at the eight o'clock position (See image below).
The date stamp begins "XA", "XI", or "XK", the first two digits (after first two characters) designate the month and the last two digits on the right designate the year.
For example, "XA0913" means the lock was manufactured in September of 2013.
If it appears that the lock was not manufactured more than two years ago, contact the DoD Lock Program Technical Support Hotline (see info at top of page) for assistance.

| S&G Model 2740B locks are under warranty for a period of five years from the date of purchase.
Check your receipt for the date.
If it appears that the lock was not manufactured more than five years ago, contact the DoD Lock Program Technical Support Hotline (see info at top of page) for assistance. |
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How do I retrofit a GSA container with two locks on the control drawer? |
There are two matters to be addressed: a dual-lock control drawer, and which lock to use.
We recommend replacing the dual-lock control drawer with a single-lock control drawer, because a dual-lock drawer requires that both locks be used. This means that locking and unlocking the drawer will take twice as long as necessary, and will also require maintenance of both locks.
Also (see below), both locks must meet Federal Specification FF-L-2740.
If the container was made by Hamilton Products Group or Mosler, replacement single-lock control drawers are available. Use the money that would have bought a second FF-L-2740 lock to help pay for a single-lock control drawer.
Within the Department of Defense, guidance for locks protecting classified is in DoD Manual 5200.01, Volume 3,
Enclosure 3, paragraph 2 (on page 35). LOCK SPECIFICATIONS.
Except as provided elsewhere in Volume 3, combination locks protecting classified shall meet Federal Specification FF-L-2740.
The exceptions are found in paragraph 6.a.(2) (page 38) which addresses field safes and special size containers, and refers to Federal Specification AA-F-358
(paragraph which requires field safes to use locks meeting Federal Specification FF-L-2937,
and (paragraphs and 6.1) allows those locks on special size containers that are used in tactical vehicles where, through installation, they will become an integral part of the vehicle. |
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How do I identify the difference between the S&G 2740 lock and the S&G 2937 lock? |
The S&G Model 2740 lock has a smooth, glossy finish on the dial and dial ring, and there are two notches in the dial ring.
The S&G Model 2937 lock has a textured finish on the dial and dial ring is round with no notches. Click here
to see a visual comparison of both locks. |
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Do I need to replace the X-09 lock on my armory vault door? |
There is no simple answer to this question.
Please contact the DoD Lock Program Technical Support Hotline (see info at top of page) if you have questions regarding vault doors and the locks on them.
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How do I dispose of my locks? |
I dialed my Kaba Mas FF-L-2740B lock open yesterday and it worked fine.
Today I tried to open it and the dial was difficult to turn, why? |
This problem comes up from time to time.
The problem is usually the result of somebody passing by and accidentally bumping into the lock (e.g. with a dolly or a big box). This may knock the dial ring off center causing the dial to be more difficult to turn.
This is usually easy to fix. Look straight at the lock to see if it looks off center. You can also run your finger around the groove between the dial and dial ring and feel if it's out of line.
If so, you can gently tap the dial ring back into place. Drive the dial ring in the direction of the high part of the dial.
If the dial ring seems excessively loose it may require further maintenance. Contact the DoD Technical Support Hotline (see info at top of page) for further guidance. |
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What high security hasps are available for securing arms, ammunition, and explosives (AA&E)? |
DoD Manual 5100.76,
"Physical Security of Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives" (April 17, 2012),
defines a high security hasp as "a shrouded hasp that meets military specification MIL-DTL-29181D."
There are several hasps that meet this requirement, and all are available through the Defense Logistics Agency. For ordering information (National Stock Numbers and pricing),
see our High Security Hasps Ordering page. |
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What is the procedure if a lock is damaged by the installer or fails from abuse? |
Contact the DoD Lock Program Technical Support Hotline (see info at top of page) for advice.
Repair or replacement of locks that fail from abuse or improper installation are the responsibility of the user. |
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I need replacement keys for my Sargent and Greenleaf 831B or Hi-Shear LK1200 high security padlocks. Where can I get them? |
Replacement keys for the LK1200 and 831B are no longer available because those locks do not meet requirements of the current specification on high security padlocks.
Replace these locks with a Sargent and Greenleaf 833C or 951.
Click here for current cost and ordering information. |
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I see a lightning bolt on the LCD screen of my lock.
What does this mean? |
It means an incorrect combination has been entered.
If it is followed by a number, that indicates the number of times an incorrect combination has been entered.
Simply dial in the correct combination and it will clear the lightning bolt condition.
If there is no number, that means an incorrect combination has been entered at least 10 or more times and you are locked out.
To clear this condition follow these steps:
- Determine the correct combination. See question 33 about lost combinations for more information.
- Spin the dial continuously to the left (counter-clockwise) for 3 minutes. This should clear the lightning bolt
and you should see numbers appear.
- Dial the correct combination and open the container. The lock out condition will be cleared.
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I need a GSA-approved security container to replace a container that is not approved. Where can I go to get a replacement without having to purchase a new one? |
Check with another government agency. The container must have a GSA-approved label on it. You can also check with the DLA Disposition Service (formerly DRMO/DRMS) which handles military property that is no longer needed.
However, those containers will have their approved labels removed so you will need to have the container inspected and (if it passes the inspection) relabeled before it is approved for use.
Please note that black label containers cannot be recertified or relabeled.
Click the following link to find out more about the GSA-approved Security Equipment Inspection Program.
Contact DLA Disposition Services by calling toll free (877) 352-2255,
or visit their website at https://www.dla.mil/Disposition-Services/.
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Does my GSA-approved security container contain asbestos? |
No GSA-approved security containers were ever constructed using asbestos. |
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We just purchased a new GSA container and the combination lock isn't functioning correctly. Who do I contact? |
New GSA containers are warranted for 1 year from date of purchase.
This includes the FF-L-2740B lock on the container. Contact the DoD Lock Program Technical Support Hotline (see info at top of page) and we will make sure you get the proper service for your container. |
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Since Mosler has gone out of business, where can I get replacement handles for GSA approved Mosler containers? |
There are several sources for GSA approved Mosler handles. You can get them from Will-Burt, (330) 684-4000,
who bought Diebold/Mosler's Government line. Authorized distributors Lockmasters, (800) 654-0637, and MBA USA, Inc.,
(888) 622-5495 also carry new Mosler handles. |
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How can I tell if my container is a GSA-approved field safe? |
The simple answer is: It should have handles, a shield around the dial, and a GSA-approved label.
The handles would be on the front and back of the container, because it is meant to be mobile for field use, as the name implies.
GSA approved field safes are small one drawer containers that weigh approximately 125 pounds (single lock design) or 140 pounds (dual lock design) and are required to have a mechanical combination lock meeting UL 768, Group 1 requirements (for existing containers)
or Federal Specification FF-L-2937 (for new containers).
If the existing UL 768, Group 1 lock fails, or requires replacement, it must be replaced with a lock meeting FF-L-2937.
These containers are intended for storage of classified material in field operations; they are not meant for regular office use. Because of their portability, field safes storing classified information shall be under surveillance.
Please see our GSA Field Safes page for more information. |
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What is required to order a new GSA-approved security container? |
First, determine whether the material to be stored in the container is classified or arms, ammunition, and explosives (AA&E).
Second, figure out how much material there is, so the size of the container can be selected -- single-drawer, 2-drawer, 4-drawer, or 5-drawer.
Third, decide how many locks are needed on the container -- one per container or one per drawer.
Finally, visit GSA Global Supply
to search for a security container, select one that meets all requirements, and order using the corresponding NSN.
As required by ISOO Notice 2014-02,
all GSA-approved security containers MUST BE procured through GSA Global Supply. |
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If I cannot purchase my government container using a Government Purchase Card (GPC), what other option do I have? |
You may order on-line via GSA Global Supply at:
or GSA Advantage at: https://www.gsaadvantage.gov.
Just enter the NSN in the search bar field. “GSA Global Supply” is listed as the contractor as all requisitions come through our office.
If paying for your order via MILSTRIP/FEDSTRIP, then the price on Advantage or Global Supply represents the highest price that you would pay for your container only; shipping costs will be billed separately.
If you cannot order via GPC, then you must order via your DODAAC.
You can order using the DODAAC either electronically or manually.
The electronic method would be to set up your DODAAC to your log-in on one of GSA's websites (similar to the way the GPC is).
The manual method would be to complete a MILSTRIP (DD 1348-6) manually and email it to securitycontainers@gsa.gov and someone at GSA will enter it into the GSA system for you.
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Q.22 |
How do I determine the class of my GSA-approved security container? |
Look for the manufacturer's label on the left side of the control drawer. On the side of the drawer facing outward.
If the manufacturer's label is missing, try to find the container's serial number,
sometimes it is a separate label.
Using the serial number you can try contacting the container manufacturer to get its manufacture year.
You can also contact the DoD Lock Program Technical Support Hotline (see info at top of page) to assist in identifying the class of your container.
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Q.23 |
How can I determine the "End of Service" deadline for my black label GSA-approved security container? |
It depends on the class of the container.
Visit our GSA-approved Containers Introduction web page for information about the "black label" container phase-out plan.
You can also contact the DoD Lock Program Technical Support Hotline (see info at top of page) if you have further questions.
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How do I dispose of my GSA-approved security containers? |
The GSA approval label must be removed from the container and the lock combination must be set to the standard combination of 50-25-50 before being sent to the DLA Disposition Service.
They will NOT accept locked GSA-approved security containers they cannot open using the standard combination of 50-25-50.
See our Security Equipment Disposal page
for disposal information or contact the DoD Lock Program Technical Support Hotline (see info at top of page).
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Why do I need to use Standard Form 700? |
DoD Manual 5200.01, Volume 3
(page 39, paragraph 10), requires all DoD activities to use
Standard Form 700.
Aside from the requirement, there is always a possibility with any combination lock that the combination could be lost or forgotten.
If this ever happens to you, and it could, you can easily bail yourself out if you have a Standard Form 700 on file.
The first part of this simple two part form contains information on the activity, container, type of lock, and who to contact if the container is left open. This portion is attached to the inside of the control drawer or vault door.
The second half of this form is a sealed combination record that is turned over to the activity security manager for storage.
Having this combination record readily available will save you the cost of forcibly opening the container and having to spend money to protect the classified information while the container is being repaired.
For more information on this form, contact the DoD Lock Program Technical Support Hotline (see info at top of page). |
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What do I need to store classified materials or arms, ammunition, and explosives (AA&E)? |
One of my GSA containers is a field safe. Does it need to have an FF-L-2740 lock? |
No! Locks on field safes do not have to meet the requirements of FF-L-2740.
Locks on new field safes must meet the requirements of federal specification FF-L-2937.
Locks on existing field safes must meet Group 1 requirements of the UL 768 standard.
If the existing UL 768, Group 1 lock fails, or requires replacement, it must be replaced with a lock meeting FF-L-2937.
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Q.28 |
Do I have to be GSA approved or certified to work on an FF-L-2740 lock? |
No, there is no such certification as a GSA approved locksmith.
However, Kaba Mas requires the locksmith/technician to have completed one of the factory-authorized training courses to honor its X-10 or CDX-10 lock warranty.
These locks are under warranty for 2 years from date of purchase.
A lock technician must be a U.S. citizen if the lock was manufactured under the FF-L-2740B specification which includes the S&G Model 2740B lock and the Kaba Mas X-10 and CDX-10 locks.
It's a very good idea for anyone working on or replacing an FF-L-2740 lock to have completed one of the factory-authorized training courses.
These locks can be tricky to install and costly to replace; a little training goes a long way.
See our Training page for more information and available classes.
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Can I secure a field safe to a structure by locking a chain through the handle(s)? |
No. According to Federal specification AA-F-358,
paragraph 3.3.8: "The handles are not intended to provide security against unauthorized removal of the cabinet but are furnished to assist in the authorized movement of the cabinet from one location to another."
DoD Manual 5200.01, Volume 3
, Enclosure 3, paragraph 6.a.(2) states: "field safes shall be under sufficient control and surveillance when in use to prevent unauthorized access or loss." |
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What is Optional Form 89 used for? |
GSA Optional Form 89,
"Maintenance Record for Security Containers/Vault Doors" is used to record important information about a container or door and any maintenance that has been performed throughout its service life.
It is important for the user to keep this form up to date so the integrity of the container can be maintained.
By recording the type of problem encountered and maintenance performed, the date inspected and repaired, and the name of the technician who performed the repair, it is easy to reconstruct the repair history of the container; resolve problems related to future repairs; and confirm container certification should any questions arise. |
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Can a Diebold Class 2 container be retrofitted with a lock meeting FF-L-2740?
Will it provide the required security for storage of classified information? |
Yes to both, but it is NOT recommended. All Class 2 containers are being phased out October 1, 2024, and will no longer be authorized for the storage of Classified information at that point in time. It would not be cost effective to put an X-10 lock on a class 2 container.
Visit our GSA-approved Containers Introduction web page for information about the "black label" container phase-out plan.
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How do I find a locksmith to work on a GSA lock, container or vault door? |
If you are in need of a locksmith to work on a GSA lock, vault, or container, there are a few ways to find one.
Review this Locksmith Referral document for guidance.
You should also review question 27 on this page for related locksmith information.
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We don’t have the combination to our locked security container. What can we do? |
Try standard (factory) combinations of 50-25-50, 25-50-25, or 10-20-30.
If that did not work, check with your security manager for an SF-700 Form for your container.
If none of those options worked, a technician will be needed to neutralize and repair the container per
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