Intermodal Security Devices -
This project leverages approved Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) and U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) global communications and tracking tag concepts to provide an automated chain of custody for weapons and other assets.
The Weapons Tacking Seal project will provide DoD with the following benefits: tamper evidence, improved situational awareness, targeting and
interdiction capability in case of theft. The tracking seals used by DHS are reusable, ruggedized devices with a simple operator interface,
which are interoperable in intermodal transport. Use of these tags within a structured, web-based Command, Control, Communications, Computer,
and Intelligence (C4I) network provides material shippers with near real time situational awareness of the sealed shipment with regards to
location, and information on container door openings. When used in conjunction with Advanced Container Security Device system, the proposed
material tracking tags help system operators meet physical security and situational awareness requirements when shipping sensitive items.
- Automated Chain of Custody
- Tamper Evidence
- Improved Situational Awareness
- Autonomous GPS
- Targeting and Interdiction in Case of Theft