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The Remediation Innovative Technology Seminar (RITS) is NAVFAC’s showcase for the latest Environmental Restoration (ER) technologies, methodologies, and guidance news. The seminar is developed for Department of the Navy (DON) Remedial Project Managers (RPMs) to share the latest innovations and best practices. Others eligible to attend include Department of Defense (DoD) personnel, federal/state/local regulators, and contractors with an active DON ER contract. DON personnel will be offered priority registration and others are welcome to attend based on availability. For information on previous RITS offerings and materials please email to inquire.
NAVFAC’s showcase for Environmental Restoration (ER) technology, methodology, and guidance news.
Don’t miss this opportunity to benefit from high-caliber, Navy-focused information.
The 2024 Remediation Innovative Technology Seminar (RITS) series has concluded. Please check this page next year for information on upcoming offerings. Slides from past offerings can be found under the "Past Offerings" Tab.
ERAs at PFAS sites
Considerations for Conducting Ecological Risk Assessments (ERAs) at Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Sites (2024) Navy sites are transitioning from Preliminary Assessments/Site Inspections (PA/SIs) to Remedial Investigations (RIs) at sites with confirmed PFAS environmental releases. This presentation will discuss development of the conceptual site model; current data gaps and applicable recommendations; important potential ecological exposure pathways; selection of assessment and measurement ecological endpoints; potential uncertainties; ambient anthropogenic background considerations; and the nuances of sample collection and analysis to support the ERA and appropriate risk management decisions for a site.
HHRAs at PFAS sites
Considerations for Human Health Risk Assessments During Remedial Investigations at Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Sites (2024) Navy sites are transitioning from PA/SIs to RIs at sites with confirmed PFAS environmental releases. This presentation will discuss current recommended approaches for completing the HHRA; development of the conceptual site model; default and site-specific exposure scenarios; assessing cumulative risk considerations for historical sites, where PFAS are now being evaluated; ambient anthropogenic background considerations; and the nuances of sample collection and analysis to support the HHRA and appropriate risk management decisions for a site.
Data Analysis Solutions
Next-Generation Data Analysis and Visualization Solutions for Environmental Remediation (2024) Innovative, robust, and defensible data tools and solutions are available and capable of reducing project costs; automating reports; improving communications between internal and external stakeholders; and enhancing informed decision-making at Navy sites. This presentation will discuss and provide examples through case studies on how several geospatial or visualization tools and solutions are available to RPMs for use at any time in the project lifecycle.
Hydrogeologic Heterogeneity/ Groundwater Flux
Innovative Approaches for Delineating Hydrogeologic Heterogeneity and Groundwater Flux (2024) There are newly developed, innovative approaches for delineating hydrogeologic heterogeneity and measuring groundwater flow, which are available to RPMs, to improve site management decisions and remedial actions. This presentation will provide an overview, including case studies, of new analytical tools or novel measurement approaches, including hydraulic and geophysical tomography; tracer monitoring; real-time terrestrial, surface water, and airborne sensing tools; and thermal imaging
Multivariate Analysis
Applications of Multivariate Analysis (MVA) for Environmental Restoration Sites (2024) The Navy is increasingly looking for innovative ways to evaluate complex site data in a manner that is robust and defensible. MVA methods can be used to evaluate patterns or relationships in data that cannot be readily discerned using univariate analysis methods. This presentation will provide an overview, including case studies, of how MVA methods can be used as part of a “multiple lines of evidence” approach to inform risk management decisions at Navy sites.
Vapor Intrusion
Comparison of Vapor Intrusion Screening and Mitigation Technologies (2023) This presentation will discuss results of a detailed, in-depth review of the performance of various real-time indoor air gas analyzers for pre-screening volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and efficacy of multiple vapor intrusion (VI) mitigation technologies, when VI risks are identified. Project includes review of various real-time gas analyzers compared to HAPSITE®, results from evaluation of different heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) filters to address VI emergency response, and an assessment of commercially available tools to address VI from sewer utilities. This lecture will provide lessons learned from these studies and how they can be applied to the greater Navy ERN/BRAC program.
Munitions Response
Innovations in Munitions Response Investigations (2023) This presentation will focus on innovations to address Munitions Response (MR) and Advanced Geophysical Classification (AGC) project challenges and solutions. One specific case study will cover the use of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) position technology, a high accuracy positioning system for use with MR technologies in GPS-denied areas, where MR investigation and remediation are limited to lower quality and less efficient methods. Other content will cover quality requirements for MR services, one-pass AGC methods, and underwater MR strategies and technologies.
Risk Management, Metals
Best Practices and Risk Management Options for Metal-Impacted Sites (2023) Metal-impacted sites are associated with industrial processes, former small arms firing ranges (SAFRs), waste disposal, and pesticide applications. They are commonly co-occurring with other contaminants such as petroleum hydrocarbons or chlorinated solvents, which are the primary drivers for risk (NAVFAC 2022). Metals may also be detected at concentrations that exceed risk-based screening criteria in soil and groundwater. This presentation will provide an overview of metals chemistry and mobility in environmental media for Remedial Project Managers (RPMs) to draw upon during site investigations, risk assessments, and/or the scoping process for remedial actions that target metals in soil and groundwater. This presentation will also provide best practices for developing and refining an optimized conceptual site model, important considerations for metals in background, information on how transport of metals can be influenced by biological, chemical, and physical processes, and considerations for improving risk to receptor estimations. An overview on challenges and solutions for SAFR and groundwater sites that includes case studies will be presented to provide best practices during site investigations.
Best Practices for PFAS Sampling and Data Interpretation (2023) This presentation will provide the most appropriate procedures that should be followed when sampling for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in different matrices. The matrices will include drinking water, groundwater, soil, sediment, surface water and tissue. The topic will include information on collecting control samples and which materials to use to ensure PFAS sampling integrity. Additional considerations for proper data analysis during the development of Site Investigation and Remedial Investigation reports will also be presented. This topic will also cover PFAS guidance updates from DOD and ASN.
Using Surface-Area Weighted Average Concentrations (SWACs) to Optimize Sediment and Soil Remedies (2023) Planning and monitoring remedies for contaminated sediment and soil sites typically requires comparing contaminant data collected over different temporal and spatial scales to remediation goals. SWACs can be used to estimate mean contaminant concentrations over a specified area. This presentation will highlight how SWACs can be developed and used to estimate exposure point concentrations, develop remediation target areas, and provide data for long-term monitoring. It will also review SWAC guidance and present several case studies.
Directional Drilling, Complex Sites
Horizontal Directional Drilling and Horizontal Wells to Enhance Remediation at Complex Sites (2023) Recent advancements in design and emplacement technologies have reduced the up-front cost and time to install horizontal wells, resulting in a viable option for more cleanup sites. With that, implementation of horizontal wells has increased in recent years due to the ongoing challenges of difficult cleanups, such as under-building treatment or subsurface amendment distribution. The Navy has installed horizontal wells at several ER and BRAC sites to remediate petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, metals, and other contaminants of concern (COCs) in conjunction with various treatment technologies, such as in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), soil vapor extraction (SVE), and multi-phase extraction (MPE); to mitigate vapor intrusion beneath buildings. This presentation will provide an overview of best practices for installing and operating horizontal wells; highlight recent advances in design and emplacement methods; and provide case studies employing horizontal wells that highlight success stories and lessons learned.