SF 702 is a form consisting two columns on the sheet which can be folded in half. The same information is collected on both halves of the sheet. There is space to collect information about the date, time, and initials of whoever opened, closed, or checked the security container.
The DoD Information Security Program: Protection of Classified Information,
DoD Manual 5200.01, Volume 3,
requires ALL DoD services and agencies to use SF 702. According to Enclosure 2, Paragraph 9:
The heads of activities that process or store classified information shall establish a system of security checks at the close of each duty
and/or business day to ensure that any area where classified information is used or stored is secure.
SF 701, "Activity Security Checklist," shall be used to record such checks.
An integral part of the security check system shall be the securing of all vaults, secure rooms, and containers used for storing classified material.
SF 702, "Security Container Check Sheet," shall be used to record such actions.
SFs 701 and 702 shall be retained and disposed of as required by Component records management schedules.